Monthly Archives: June 2014

creating your own path

c7754f22-f63e-11e3-bd82-12313b027a03-mediumIdeas and values gained by experience,
and not just from social elite circles,
picking ‘careers’ and not just ‘jobs’ for then
only can office necessarily become a sanctuarium ,

Leaving the accent of the boss or superior apart,
working for the pure love of learning ,nothing more.
picking careers most may not have heard of…
for here no rules are based on notions.
for here one does not carry only “entitlements”

Leaving the “belongingness ” of the executive suites
possess confidence by building one’s  own place in the world,
Having no early access,somehow gives happiness…

for only then is your pursuit your own…


Working in the cotton field

images (1)Working in the cotton field
Day and night I toil,
Separated from my friends and family
I now live the life of a slave boy…

Often I peek out of the window at night,
There I see the stars shamelessly smile,
Baking bread at master’s kitchen
I wonder,”Where was I not right?”
Yes I too want birthdays and smiles,
Waiting in the que to get whipped,
I see the high class kids go,
I too want shoes and bags,
Rulers not only on my back,
But perhaps use it on paper to draw…

Soon the morning sun will rise,
Soon my duties start.
I hear the bell bang.
I must go now and sweep the floor,
before my master awakens.

ticket to the world of the social elite…


Gentlemen come in wing collars and bow ties,
Welcome to the world of social elite…
Here a smile scarcely raises an eyebrow,
A commercial jungle of confidence
Finding a confidant is rare,
For gossips and buzz is only cared.

Familiarity with classics is a must,
To start a conversation
or to prove your worth,
Take wine appreciation for instance,
First differentiate Pouilly Fume from Pouilly Fuisse,
After a fairly technical approach,
You are now a connoisseur.

Now starts the uphill struggle,
Talk of high street fashion
and the wine yards you own.
Boost big as the main course arrives
to get invited by the next host,
Now mission is accomplished..
For you are now the new buzz of town,
no more an applicant for the tinsel town.

crunching statistics


First Statistics seemed like a Martian’s puzzle
full of “Mathematical models” and “market games”..
They looked aliens to my literary eyes.

But on a closer look
they seemed like figures of speech-
appeals to authority
Not just mere frills
but productive and significant
for here numbers breathe into results
exploring Probability distribution
and variance

It is perhaps a matter of opinion..
A cunning attention to numbers…
like laboratory polls persuading
analogies for a favorite experiment.

Ah, now my head is boggling…
Tables,Spreadsheets seem plausible…
for if not for them
here digits would have faced cosmic loneliness
But alas,now they evolve towards a goal..

No Japanese government apology for ‘comfort women’ forced prostitution

Dear Kitty. Some blog

This video from South Korea in English is called “Herstory” Comfort Women Animation – English.

From daily The Morning Star in Britain:

Japanese government refuses slavery apology

Friday 20th June 2014

TOKYO government spokesman Yoshihide Suga outraged Seoul today, insisting that there would be no real apology for Japan’s wartime enslavement of hundreds of thousands of Korean women in brothels for its troops.

Japanese nationalists contend that women in wartime brothels were voluntary prostitutes, not sex slaves.

Mr Suga reiterated Prime Minister Shinzo Abe’s refusal not to revise an infamous 1993 semi-apology, saying that evaluation of the historical evidence should be left to historians and scholars.

“Japan’s relations with South Korea are extremely important and we will try to explain this issue to gain understanding,” he said.

However, South Korean Foreign Ministry spokesman Noh Kwang Il said: “The Japanese government should clearly know that…

View original post 84 more words

freedom writers

Flying EagleAs a balm for the forsaken alluded
Leaving hypocrisy of state
Barmy Aristocrats have no place.
Democracy requires heroes as premiers,
Preoccupied rationality ,Impersonal rule
and an amorous society
A place where equality is a guarantee

Let the flavor of modernization via
development fill this gap…
Let ideal be reality
Now change is irresistible
Charisma , Energy ,Vitality appeal
the urge for change break the
constraints of rules

It is a time when leadership
abolishes legitimacy to the throne.
Wails of people enthralled
now turns livid and lurid.
Razed is the veil now…
Freedom writer rise not just in words
but United in thoughts

A world with no boundaries to discriminate
writer’s pen down thoughts come alive
for then only can dreams revive…..

for my angel….with love…


Inspire me oh raven…
for I seem to be lost..
I lack the inspiration to move on.

I had a dream today.
I saw my loved one alive again.
We ran,We played and jo was young again,

Then I turned and saw his sweet face,
Soon we stared in each others eyes.
Then suddenly I saw him fall…
motionless and still.
I ran and took him in my arms.

A voice in my head said..
he is no more.
I woke and cried for hours.
My heart body lagged..
Throughout the day I put a happy face on.
I was there but not…

I pen down these words,
I don’t know why…
Yes,I have move on..
Yet when all is said and done..
I miss you my loved one…

I miss you my angel…

“The issue of craft is the difference between good and great. When you go from good to great, there’s this element of delight and magic that has to happen in design… That’s where great design comes from — great design changes us. We smile, we laugh.”
– Maria Guidice

Herald of morning

misty-morning-inthe-valley-242689In the mists of fog quite thick
The mountain and the bay erased
barred clouds bloom seem rosy in hue,
Light wind dances on the bay surface,
full of swirls the waves too join in.
while lambs silently graze on the hilly terrain
and vines round the sonorous cottage terrace.

Relaxed ,calm and pure is the air
I look out again and see the distant
warm and tranquil sunrise kissing gently
the mountain tops and waking them
Perhaps they blush for their white facet soon turns pink

Dew on my window shines like jewels
Splashed with colors and life are flowers of valley
Chanting their beauty praises are bees rejoicing
Chirping birds welcome the day and fly out of nests

every scene detail is registering in my senses
I see no Halo but this seems like an abode of angels.
Just then Emerald trees swayed with a gentle breeze
as if agreeing and Touching my heart this….
~ Beautiful morning~