the blessed life

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singing and dancing in a cyclic chorus
at the altar of God rhyming hymns of undying love
mixed with epic narrations of His silhouette
it was no less than a festival performed…

Admirable simplicty and bright in expression
is the orchestra of believers
healing soul with chords of love…
like a coin defaced by erosion we loose our facade…
no more and no less…
boundless showers transform torn tapestry of Love,
like eager home-bound traveller to peace,
our spirit in flight soars high
as much as the power of our sheer might

And in God’s time all things are made right
my days of burden reigned by confusion age…
raging storm stops and like an angel in the sky,
I lean on you Lord to carry me through…
Filled with peace for Eternal life and cleansed
I become one with my true lord….
in the kingdom above all….

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